Victoria LEPC established 2006
Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), counties in Texas must have a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).
Most legal responsibilities for the LEPC are from Public Law 99-499, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) assist in the development of an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. LEPC membership is broad and includes respresentatives from: elected state and local officials, emergency management, law enforcement, fire services, local health, emergency medical service, local media, community groups and industry partners. This means local people are making local decisions about how to prepare for, respond to, recovery from and how to mitigate chemical emergencies in our community.
- The LEPC is designed to assist local government in developing hazardous materials plans.
- The LEPC is the link between local citizens, industry, and government.
- The LEPC is the point of contact for the public to obtain information on chemical hazards in their community.
To identify hazards; and plan and coordinate community resources for preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery from all hazards, natural and man-made; through planning, preparation, and communication between citizens, business, and government.
- Receive from the owner or operator of each facility Tier II documentation.
- Receive notification of chemical releases by facilities.
- Receive from each facility the name of the representative that will participate in the LEPC.
- Coordination in providing information to the public as it relates to EPCRA.
- Promote public awareness of chemical hazards in the community.
- Coordinate the evaluation of resources necessary to develop, implement, and exercise the jurisdiction’s EOP (Emergency Operation Plan).
- Gather and review existing community and facility emergency plans.